Noahide Commandments

The Project pt 14: The Divine Code – The Completion of the Idolatry Section Part A

Over the years, I’ve been reviewing a book called “The Divine Code” by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, a book about … hmmm … well, it’s supposed to be about the seven commandments for Gentiles, but it goes much further, maybe too far. Anyway, I’ve been reviewing it from my own eyes, those of a member of […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Playing into their hands

Recently some people have said some things about the Jews, statements that were judged by some to be Jew-hating. This involved a former rapper, Kanye West. He appears to have received significant backlash due to his statements. A good amount of companies have distanced themselves from him and he has been forbidden from various platforms. […]

Noahide Commandments

Gentile Rabbis – A legitimate role

Reading the Divine Code and listening to Jews and Gentiles of a similar mindset, it can seem somewhat lonely for me to be saying that Jews should focus on their own people and only give us peoples from other nations the tools to teach our own the seven laws for humanity. They are not our […]