General God God-rejection Noahide Commandments

Made in the image of man

So he came up up to me and said in perfect sincerity, “Did you know God took the form of a man, died, and came back to life?” He couldn’t understand why I laughed the statement to scorn. He told me it was a great sign of mercy and kindness for God to make such […]

Politics Social commentary

The source of an immoral government?

The government is immoral. I get that. But does the fact that such an entity continues to exist say more about the society that supports it?

General God God-rejection

10 years without christianity – Part 12

Hesediah: Hi y’all. It’s me, Hesediah, once again with David who has been taking us through his thoughts and experiences with christianity after having left it just over 10 years ago. So David, there is a subject we haven’t really touched upon. David: Oh? What’s that? We’re not moving forward to my experiences after leaving […]


10 years without christianity – Part 11

Hesediah: Hi again. Carrying on with this convo between myself and David, a guy who left christianity over 10 years ago, we are on the subject of sacrifices. Hi again, David. David: Wotcha, Hesediah! Hesediah: “wotcha”? Huh? David: Oh, sorry. It’s just a greeting used in some places here in England. Like “Aw-rite, mate!” or […]

God Noahide Commandments

R. Hirsch’s answer to the Jewish Question: Why wouldn’t you convert?

Unfortunately it happens too often for me. A Gentile will realise the truth of the God of Israel as Creator of everything and will leave his old worldview behind, whether it’s atheism or hinduism or christianity or whatever to embrace that truth. Yet that person remains a Gentile. And a Jew who takes his own […]