
The Breakaway

In some ways, I feel I’ve become like a few influences of mine. The sort of people I’ve gravitated to seem to mark out a path set for me. Rabbi Meir Kahane, Alan Cecil, my own father, Carl Watner, Larken Rose amongst others, in a certain ways they were loners, people who went against various […]

God-rejection Politics

The Secular Society – Part 1: The Myth of the Religiously Neutral Society

One argument for the secular society, one which is not governed by the seven commandments of Noah, is that no religion, not one claim of divine revelation, is in control, all such views have a voice (in private anyway). The idea is that without a ruling religion, all religions have an equal footing. Religion or […]

Politics Social commentary

The Citizen, The Serf

A claim was made that most of the people of Britain are not serfs, as I had said, but rather are citizens. This sort of argument can be made by an inhabitant of other countries: “I’m not a serf! I’m a citizen of country x!” The question could be raised, where do I get off […]

God-rejection Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

The Rank Hypocrisy of the Statist “Noahide”

You may know what’s coming. It’s ok if you wish to avert your eyes. So the typical thing happens which you’ll find common across the internet. Someone gets the wrong idea about the seven laws and chooses to run with it. Based on a previous article of mine criticising so-called “British values,” a “true Brit” […]


Not without fault

So yeah, I write here about the stuff I’m more passionate about: the seven laws of Noah, being a Torah-loving Gentile, being a Gentile and not a Jew (or any sort of “ger”), antiestablishmentarianism (LOL, what a word!), etc. I’m an ardent advocate for objective truth and morality under the one true God. But let […]

God Politics Social commentary

British values vs righteousness and truth

Thus says God: A wise man shouldn’t boast in his wisdom, nor a strong man in his strength. A wealthy man shouldn’t boast in his wealth. But only in this should one boast: In his earnest devotion to Me. For I, God, act with kindness, justice, and equity in the world; For in these I […]

Noahide Commandments

Another view on the prohibition against rape – by Terry Hayes

I got his, Terry Hayes’, permission to use a comment that he shared online here. I wanted to quote it to just give another point of view on the subject. I’m not saying he agrees entirely with my stance or disagrees, but I love the way he puts his view across, a better man than […]

Noahide Commandments

Personal ponderings: Is rape forbidden in the God’s laws for humanity?

A subheading of this post could well be “Does every capital crime have to be spelt out?” Now this post is NOT an indictment or accusation against, an organisation that I not only respect, but I also recognise them, Dr Schulman, in being instrumental in my acknowledging the truth of the oral tradition and […]