Noahide Commandments

What doesn’t make sense So by the title, you should see that this is a(nother) subjective piece / post. If something doesn’t make sense, it can only mean it doesn’t make sense to me. Whether it is objectively cogent or not is another question. It just may need explication, elucidation, explanation or some other “e” word. Oh, it […]


Love it

I love writing about God and his truth. Every opportunity I get to do it, while I’m doing it, I feel direction, purpose, fulfilment. That’s a rare thing for me.

Politics Social commentary

A Lie A lie can take many forms. A whisper in your ear. A news presenter. A school curriculum. In America (and in many other countries including the UK but in different forms), a lie is brainwashed into children, pounded in their heads until it is etched on their poor hearts, until even Christian pastors and […]


Where is the image? I work in a school for autistic children. What a way to start an article, huh? So yeah, I’m there. I work with some kids who are at such a low level of awareness, who don’t comprehend a lot, who can hardly speak even though they are above 10 years old, who are so […]

General Noahide Commandments

Reaffirming my not being Jewish It’s about this time of the Jewish holy days that I choose to make a further declaration of my distance from the Jewish people. Yes, I do this because I feel it’s important. It’s important that, although I respect the Jewish tradition, I maintain the specialness and unique nature of the Jewish relationship with […]

God God-rejection

When to answer & the eternal universe Out of the blue, a stranger decides to ask me a question. If I were younger, then I would have just answered on instinct. But my experience has taught me not to treat strangers as if they’re just a blank slate, not to treat them as if they are just children just looking innocently […]


Request from a friend

A friend of mine asked me to share this stating its urgency, and I share this because of the friendship without knowing the details. Please pray for a complete recovery of Bessie Ray Johnson Grissom bat John Franklin Johnson, Evelyn Louise Grissom Keele bat Fayettie Carron Grissom, and Roy Neal Grissom ben Fayettie Carron Grissom. […]