Politics Social commentary

Got the world in his hands

(Alternative Link) Xi’s World: The much longer pdf document can be found as the following places. I don’t fully know why the video captivated me. Was it my antiestablishmentarianism? Was it my opposition to and hatred for tyranny? Was it the fact that the world governments seemed to imprison their slaves and […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

It’s not an accident anymore

I love the word, “antiestablishmentarianism.” I love the word and its meaning, a mental stance that the national and cultural systems and institutions are corrupt, hence a moral opposition to said establishments. For a long time, I embraced that word alone as accurately describing my position. I still do. “I’m an antiestablishmentarian.” I could say […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Simple realisations

Well, I’ve already said that the notion that people have a right to freedom of speech is either a myth or a Barnum statement, a statement believed to mean something specific but is vague and empty. I’m gonna take a step closer to the brink. I was listening to a guy who is an admitted […]

Social commentary

We’re not in this together – Open letter

I had a negative experience at a store recently about this whole mask issue. I wrote a letter of complaint to the store. Now I already know that that may be fruitless since I’ve made complaints to various organisations – schools, police, legal services – and I have always come out empty-handed. I expect nothing […]



Lord, give me serenity to accept that which I can’t change, and the courage the change things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference. MBlem, 2013, Serenity Prayer (Contagious Riddim), Reggae Song If there’s a remedy when trouble strikes,What reason is there for dejection?And if there is no help for it,What use is […]

Politics Social commentary Uncategorized

Oppression increases and I’m still lost

Alternative link: Empty Hospitals and Dancing Nurses – 2021 Edition – Shops in the UK have stated that people can’t enter if they don’t partake in the useless ritual of wearing masks. The tyrants say they are happier to unleash their dogs, the police, on people who won’t do as they’re told. During the […]

Noahide Commandments

Adding commands: Part 2 – Electives? Gentile Sabbaths?

Noahide to Noahide – So in part 1, I wrote about the mentality of unquestioning-slave-mind-to-rabbis that the speaker in the above-mentioned video urgently thrust upon his co-religionist noahides. I’m continuing with a part of his video that links in with what some rabbis teach. In the message of Terry Hayes, author of the content […]


A short message – the herd

OK, I’ll try this again, since for some reason, the content of the post got deleted. Just a short one. I’m just sharing what was shown to me. These sheep spend their lives fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd. Think about it.

Noahide Commandments

Adding commands – Part 1: Keep your mouth shut!

Noahide to Noahide – The speaker in the above linked video, the author of the EmunaTrek blog, Terry Hayes, gave a strong message in a recent video. And there were some good points in it, such as the importance of a “noahide” focusing on the seven laws for non-Jewish humanity. Oh yeah, I forgot […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Going Crazy – Seeing Magic

UK Hospitals stretched to capacity? Ha! – Yes, this is still related to the seven laws. I was watching a trash movie called “Now You See Me.” It wasn’t as bad as some movies that I couldn’t even finish watching because they were essentially gold-covered excrement, like “Transformers: the last knight.” But in this […]