Noahide Commandments

The Project pt 15: Finishing The Divine Code

Over the years, I’ve been reviewing a book called “The Divine Code” by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, a book about … hmmm … well, it’s supposed to be about the seven commandments for Gentiles, but it goes much further, maybe too far. Anyway, I’ve been reviewing it from my own eyes, those of a member of […]

Politics Social commentary

Democracy: They lie

I’m looking at an example of British democracy at work, and the lying words typically used. Recently, there was an election for the mayor of London. You can check the numbers yourself, if you feel like it, but I’m just giving the rough ones here. Searching online, the current population of London is about 9 […]

Noahide Commandments

How the rabbis failed us

First things first. I very much accept the reality of personal responsibility. Although the focus of this article may be my limited perception of the role of the rabbi in the state of the so-called “noahide movement,” this post could easily be called “How we failed ourselves.” In the law I’ll quote a little later, […]

Social commentary

Because they are not good people

OK, let’s see if I can hold on to this thought long enough to communicate it. I’ve experienced a fair amount myself in my life. I’ve seen an abundance of videos about the experience of others. I’ve seen cops shoot and kill people, or cause grievous bodily harm. I’ve seen a number of people thrown […]


It’s finally over: New book written and published

I’ve finally completed a project I set out to do a number of years ago. I’ve written a new book and it was just published this weekend on Amazon. It’s called The Jewish Bible vs the Gospels. Here are the links and then I’ll give a little back story. It’s available in Kindle version and […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Reconsidering Abortion: What about the mother?

Yeah, it’s been a minute. That’s some UK slang. It means it’s been a good while since I last wrote a post. I’ve been focusing a lot more on my project. I’m at the proofreading stage of my second book where I go through the gospels to see if they would really prove that Jesus […]

God Social commentary

World of broken glass

As I wait for my youngest daughter to fall asleep – me taking my usual position, kneeling by her bedside – I listen to the sounds she makes. It’s like she’s playing with the sounds she makes, the shrieks, the laughs, her gushes. And I wait until they stop, until she’s finally asleep. Oh, it […]

Noahide Commandments

The seven laws for humanity

Since the halakhot of the descendants of Noah have been mentioned, a full discussion of the Noahide mitzvot is presented. The Sages taught in a baraita: The descendants of Noah, i.e., all of humanity, were commanded to observe seven mitzvot: The mitzva of establishing courts of judgment; and the prohibition against blessing, i.e., cursing, the […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Demystifying the language of the statist Noahide – short version

My brother said something I feel I must share which summarises the point of the previous article so well. Here it is with no amendment: As I read your article it draws out even more clearly that we have a choice about who Rules us and how we are ruled. The moment we say anything […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Demystifying the language of a statist Noahide

As I said in my last post, the vast majority of Noahides that I interact with and their rabbis are statist. That means the logical conclusion of their thinking and teaching must be that governments, especially modern ones, have legitimacy and ownership rights over the population. In simple terms, every pleb is owned by government […]