Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Every cop is a criminal

Every single law that violates the constitution is a love letter to Santa without men and women in badges willing to enforce them on innocent people. Every single cop does this knowingly and consciously all the time.  Every cop is a criminal, without exception.  Many of them are nice people, many of them are smart […]

Noahide Commandments Science and Evolution Social commentary

Faith and fallacy

93 million miles from the earth to the sun. That’s what we’re told by those who “know.” How they “know,” the vast majority of the plebs know not. But it’s true, right? I watched a whole 9-hour video of some dude dissecting the rhetoric of a “science” teacher, numbering every single logical fallacy the teacher […]

Social commentary

A Twisted Agenda and the Santa Claus Culture

I guess there is a reason to hate Christmas after all, right? There was this view that it’s ok to tell children that Santa Claus came down the chimney and left presents, even though the true giver was being robbed of the gratitude that belonged to them and not some imaginary fat sled-rider. I remember […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

The system that strangles justice

Use this link if the embedded youtube video below is broken: Use this link if the embedded youtube video is broken: From the depth of my heart, I hate the jus … No. I was about to call it a “justice system.” But neither Britain nor America has a system for justice, that […]