Social commentary

ADBC: 36 – One’s Own Area, Teaching Qualifications, and the Foundation of Family Success

I challenged my brother in my last post in this conversation (premise here) with questions about the real outcome of the christian “Great Commision,” how he makes sense of the injustice necessary for Jesus’ death and whether there is truth in the claim that things were better in the past. I can say that, as […]

Noahide Commandments

Who is a child of Noah?

I may have answered this before. I think it was a number of years ago. So, as a refresher, I’ll answer it again. Now the term that is normally thrown around by rabbis is the Hebrew one that sounds like “ben Noach” or “bnei Noach.” There are people who refer to themselves as “noahides” or […]

Social commentary

Confidence in ignorance

Time and time again, [this Youtube channel] keep (sic.) showing us that the most clueless people are always the most confident. A comment from the Youtube video referred to next Wow. Wasn’t that confidently stated? Anyway, remember that statement. I believe it will become relevant. I was watching the following video. Astrologists and Astronomers: Is […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

ADBC: 36 – The Con Called “Environmentalism,” and My Treatise on Noahide Evangelism (not!)

If you want excellent insight into the concept of Universal Basic Income and football support (I’m saying football, not “soccer”), please check out my brother’s recent installment to our blog convo (premise of the whole convo here). He does a great job with UBI because he first summarises what the promoters of it actually say. […]



I had somewhat of a laugh at the expense of an atheist who commented on a recent blog post. He apparently had read my post – who knows why – and thought to share why he was an atheist (he claimed that there is no evidence of a god’s existence) and put himself across as […]

Social commentary

ADBC: 35 – The Dumbed Masses and the Distortion of Death

In the previous installment of my blog discussion with my brother (premise here), he confronted the usual reaction to death, turned it this way and that, and gave his balanced understanding of the topic. He can understand the shock, and he also sees the value of such reactions and shares that insight in a clear […]

Noahide Commandments

When Singer gets it wrong – “noahides” shouldn’t teach “noahides”

Alternate link: Alternative link: The clip was taken from here. The seven laws were given to humanity before the nation of Israel existed. It was incumbent on people that had nothing to do with Israel, who would not see a Jew. Even when Israel had come on the scene, the moral principles were […]


God doesn’t exist because he is immoral – is this a fallacious argument?

I was looking again at an argument against God’s existence. Some say that the fact he does apparently immoral things is evidence that he doesn’t exist. This came to mind because a vile thing in the shape of a man named “Dave Farina” brought up the old talking points about God condoning “slavery” and calling […]

General Politics

ADBC: 34 – Mind, Heart and Freedom of Association

Continuation of blog convo with my bro. Premise here. It’s the introspective quality of my brother’s posts that is part of what makes them so enthralling for me. I think his posts exemplify consideration and deeper thought about topics and issues. I’m not a christian, far from it. But his take on how the historical […]

Noahide Commandments

Do the seven laws forbid “wasting seed?”

This topic has been brought up a number of times over the years. I thought that I may as well write something on it to state my position in case someone challenged me with it again. What am I talking about? What is wasting seed? It’s an old term for male masturbation, the emission or […]