Noahide Commandments

Moe and the Project – Rejecting Mohamed

The next part of my project into the Divine Code and other books about the seven laws involves the creation of a new religion, and it brings to mind another reason why I reject Mohamed, the man Muslims deem to be a prophet. So the seven laws for humanity were given to Adam and then […]

Science and Evolution Social commentary

Peer review?

So I made it clear in previous articles that I’m against vaccines in general, and therefore I’m classed as an antivaxxer. I know that word is used as an insult; nobody wants to be classed as such a thing. But I am against vaccination in concept, in principle and in practice. I don’t accept the […]

Noahide Commandments

The Project pt 12: The Divine Code, The irrelevance of Molech and more

So, in case I’ve lost you, some time ago I started going thru the book, The Divine Code, as myself, a member of humanity not from the tribe of Israel. I was using a certain lens, a most ancient lens upon which many books about the seven laws for humanity, including The Divine Code, are […]


The myth of belonging

I was inspired to do this post after a few recent experiences that brought to mind a longer history for me. It’s only my experiences and that is all. It’s not a teaching. It’s just recollection and conclusions. I remember just getting into the subject of the seven laws and seeing these people who call […]

Politics Social commentary

The simple questions

As you can see, about 226 million PCR “tests” and lateral flow “tests” have been performed in the UK. Believe it or not, this article is not about the virus narrative. It’s about something else, but the tests done is just evidence to prove something. One question that escapes me when considering the entity call […]

Noahide Commandments Politics

No place in Torah

I’ve said before that, politically, I’m primarily and purposefully an antiestablishmentarian and, by definition and accidentally, a philosophical anarchist. I’ll define the way I’m using the terms to minimise misunderstanding. Antiestablishmentarianism is defined as “a policy or attitude that views a nation’s power structure as corrupt, repressive, exploitive, etc” (Antiestablishmentarianism | Definition of Antiestablishmentarianism at […]

General Social commentary

Choice of words

I just read what I see as an excellent article. I’ve read two articles by this author and have thoroughly enjoyed both. The one that’s in the forefront of my mind right now can be found at I was communicating with a friend and amongst that flow of words, I stated that it irks […]

Politics Social commentary

When government is God

Then all the elders of Israel got together, and came to Samuel at Ramah. And they said to him: ‘Look, man! You are old, and your sons don’t follow in your footsteps. Now set up a king for us to judge us like all the [other] nations.‘ But the thing was horrendous in the eyes of […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Happily consigned to prison

A friend of mine, one of the few that I have, told me that the army protects freedoms, that they protect the freedom to possess things, to own a business, to elect “my political representatives,” on and on. So many freedoms that the army is supposed to protect. They fight and die for our freedoms […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

A special kind of stupid One of the seven laws is called the law of Justice. Although, in terms of law, it is focused on fairness in the courts, the principles that necessarily underpin it or that are connected to it are what makes the difference between a good community and a wicked one. What it necessitates is the […]