Social commentary

The insidious evil of niceness

I see it over and over where I live and work. I see it when I watch police interactions with the public, especially UK ones. Certain institutions have turned it into policy and others give it the force of “law” where some state-thugs (the police) can capture and kidnap a person, drag him off to some cage in order to have to face some glorified lawyer called “a judge” who may see himself right when he punishes the captive. There are state-run institutions that will sack or reprimand their employees for crossing over this apparently serious line. In some ways, it is an apparent virtue that protects the rots that permeates society.

There seems to be this glorification, where I live, of being nice, this desire not to offend. You mustn’t hurt another’s feelings. If someone asks you politely to do something, anything, then you had best do it or else you deserve whatever pain you get in recompense.

It’s part of what protect the insanity that is the modern “outburst”(?) of people claiming to be some sexual deviant, be it homosexual or any of the “alphabet gang,” the LGBTX9-3 brigade.

In fact, I wonder if this “niceness” imposition is linked to this idea that whatever a person does in the privacy of their own home is totally fine, or whatever is done between two consenting adults can be ignored as long as nobody else is hurt.

Anyway, in today’s culture, if a person expresses a view opposed to homosexuality or the alphabet degenerates, others feel empowered to step in and smite the “intolerant.” If one of the victim classes should be exposed to the angonistic view, and claims to have hurt feelings, one can be fired from jobs and excluded from groups. This includes racial minorities. If a black person should hear some negative info on those of similar skins tones, then he can raise a complaint of being offended and have the opposing view silenced and the person holding it sanctioned.

And it’s not because some great objective moral code has been broken. There has been no objective damage or loss. But institutions and individuals feel they must champion feelings and maintain comfort. Again, it’s all about being “nice.”

I’ve spoken before about christian preachers being arrested for speaking against the alphabet degeneracy (also here). The state-filth (yep, I’m still talking about cops, although the phrase “state-filth” may be redundant or repetitive) will either have been called to action by some offended person or group, regardless of whether they’re a sexual deviant themselves or not, or it can be the state-filth themselves feeling the need to protect the sensibilities of the unseen offended and trying to be heroes fighting to silence the voice of those who don’t care about offending, those who haven’t committed themselves wholeheartedly (though normally arbitrarily, capriciously or hypocritically) to the holy decree to be nice, not rock the boat.

It reminds me of the UK guy who recently got arrested for sharing a meme on social media where the LGBTX3-9Y flag was converted into a swastika.

I’ve seen a number of interactions where one person is doing something moral unobtrusive, and legally allowed in some countries, such as filming or photography in a public place, and another will approach saying that they politely ask the person doing the innocuous act to stop, a request that is refused. The requester will then complain that the request was given politely as if that, in and of itself, is enough for the request to be actioned, as if it were a command. [Aside: is that a form of being passive-aggressive?]

When the state-filth tell a person that some citation, ticket, fine or arrest will be imposed on a person, where a person will have the fruit of their labour extracted under threat of force, or have their very bodies handled, bound/chained, and confined, these nasty and weake excuses for humans have a strange idea that if they make these threats in a quiet and nice tone, that the recipient of the threat should in the same manner – quietly and nicely – receive the imposition. It’s as if I say to a lady in a quiet and polite way, “I’m going to rape you, defile you further, kill you and dismember your corpse,” that she should take that threat in a similarly nice and quiet way, so as to acquiesce.

I don’t expect you, dare a stranger read this far into this post, to agree with me. I remember talking to someone who would call himself a “noahide.” I voiced my belief that the filth of the state handcuffing a person and holding them in place against their will, especially when the captive had done no wrong, was a form of kidnap. He disagreed. I got the impression that he thought such occurrences may be acceptable. This is a guy who knew the seven laws well. And he thought what the state-filth do in those instances was fine. So the common pleb is going to be okay with a representative of that same corrupt institution, in a professional manner, threatening the life and property of a person, and no physical resistance should take place if the representative (of corruption) does his kidnap – yes I still disagree – or his threats in a nice tone.

This sickening oppressive air of niceness that fills the air is almost enough to gag on. It covers immorality, violence and the threat of it, evil, tyranny and deception, all because of this veil of being nice.

And that’s why it’s insidious. That’s why it’s like being stroked softly with a silk glove laced with toxins and bane. That’s why the people who adore the holy societal maxim of “being nice” and “not hurting feelings” are merely flatterers, another stain of evil in this culture. There is some virtue in being pleasant and friendly, but it has morphed into a violent, possessive and smiling monster that only feasts on its victims for the good of those whose feelings may be hurt. You can’t oppose that, right?

From my own life I see this in spades, a hypocrisy that so intricately self-deluded. As I’ve described before, for years I’ve worked in the midst of people who are really “nice,” nice to almost sickest extreme. Nobody wants to offend. Nobody wants to rock the boat. They talk about the mundane and the simple, nothing really mentally taxing. They stay oh so agreeable with each other. They give the usual “ooohs” and “aahhhhs” when newborns are carted into the workplace for display. They offer each other cups of tea and coffee regularly and are just oh so concerned for the comfort of their work colleagues.

On the other hand, they ensure that tyranny continues with no resistant. They are diligent voters and supporters of government and its dictates, except for the politicians the media tells them to dislike and for the reasons the media provides (like Johnson and Trump). So despite their “niceness” – this is where that capriciousness, hypocrisy and arbitrariness comes in – they kept the medical tyranny of COVID going without question. Those who didn’t bow were condemned. Publicly known “antivaxxers” were seen and described as stupid and dangerous. When the COVID injections were on offer, one of the doting ones made sure, all of her own volition, to go all around the office to make sure we could all get one, although it’s fairly obvious that she doesn’t grasp with it contains or its recorded negative effects on people or even the fact that it’s proven useless at stopping most of the office from calling in sick due to COVID, leaving the office shortstaffed. [There’s plenty of evidence that this nice soul was promoting poison and unwittingly putting their colleagues in harm’s way. See here too. Or in case the webpage is destroyed …

just in case.] They support the state, are diligent voters, absorb whatever the news tells them. If you wanted to find an animal to take the place of sheep, I have been working amongst for too long. These “nice people” oiled the tracks for the train of tyranny to run smoothly. But because they are so nice, who could condemn them? Who?

A number of times I personally have been reprimanded or called into meetings or confronted by higher-ups in different settings for breaking this more sacred law: I wasn’t being nice. I was told in one place that things would have to be taken further if I didn’t say “thank you” at the right times. I’ve been reported to some “authority of irrelevance” for an even more disturbing crime of being blunt and to the point but not being nice about it. I must be very candid, the issue was NOT that I had insulted people or taken personal verbal potshots at an employee. It was only that I was blunt! Yes, someone chose to step in, be the hero, and protect the comfort of people from my terrible and nigh-murderous bluntness.

It’s only by God’s mercies that I’m not sat in a prison cell. Oh, my atrocities.

In the meantime, we have to be careful not to call a man who fancies that he is a woman by masculine pronouns. It is terrible to say that there is a physical and mental difference on average between tribes. It’s even “evil” to prefer your own kind. You can’t speak against the mainstream narrative or else you’re a conspiracy theorist who should be put in exile. Saying homosexuality is an abomination can land you in jail or cost you a source of income. Social media companies silence (arbitrarily) the voices of those who aren’t nice to certain groups, those who are fine with being seen as offensive. As someone says, “truth is offensive in the empire of lies.”

It’s like my thoughts stop here, so I think I’ll stop here.

By hesedyahu

I'm a gentile living in UK, a person who has chosen to take upon himself the responsibility God has given to all gentiles. God is the greatest aspect of my life and He has blessed me with a family.

I used to be a christian, but I learnt the errors of my ways.

I love music. I love to play it on the instruments I can play, I love to close my eyes and feel the groove of it. I could call myself a singer and a songwriter ... And that would be accurate.

What else is there?

4 replies on “The insidious evil of niceness”

Where I live the police and the army are heroes. Everything I have, without exception, I owe to them and their defense in war. I can’t repay this debt.
Also, my society is less tolerant of degenerates than yours.

I know there are people in the country I live in that view the national army and the police the same as you do. They bring up the wars that the politicians created or maintained. But I can’t and won’t comment on the situation in your land. Exceptions are possible.

I’m glad people in your land have higher standards of sexual morality and a tighter sense of tribe. In your experience, are they as addicted to being “nice” and “not hurting feelings?”

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