Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Reconsidering Abortion: What about the mother?

Yeah, it’s been a minute. That’s some UK slang. It means it’s been a good while since I last wrote a post. I’ve been focusing a lot more on my project. I’m at the proofreading stage of my second book where I go through the gospels to see if they would really prove that Jesus […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Murder & Idolatry – A Snapshot of England So I was listening to a guy called Jeremy Poole in a video where he described his being permanently removed from Youtube for unknown reasons, possibly linked to his other activities of posting statistics that show that the injections for the illusion called “COVID-19” are massively backfiring on the ignorant population who took […]

Social commentary

ADBC: 35 – The Dumbed Masses and the Distortion of Death

In the previous installment of my blog discussion with my brother (premise here), he confronted the usual reaction to death, turned it this way and that, and gave his balanced understanding of the topic. He can understand the shock, and he also sees the value of such reactions and shares that insight in a clear […]

God-rejection Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Whitewashing murder – ‘A vote for gender equality’: MPs vote to permanently allow at home early medical abortions in England Reading the above article reminds me of why no mercy should be offered to politicians and voters. As the saying goes, being kind to the cruel ends up becoming cruel to those that need kindness. Abortion […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

The fruits of murder

The written article: Now I’ll state right now that it appears to be clear that most covid injections, if not all, are tainted by abortion. I’ll quote an article to show this. The article attempts to convince people against abortion and experimenting on parts of unborn corpses to make use the injections, but it makes […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Baying for blood and ponderings on illusion

Most extreme abortion law in US takes effect in Texas – I still remember the chorus of glee that arose from a mass of Irish people when the laws concerning abortion were relaxed allowing more possibility for women to end the lives of their unborn children. I think they saw it as a kindness […]

Noahide Commandments

The fear of death – the Corona Hypocrisy

One of the seven laws that God gave to humanity, one of our basic prohibitions, is against murder, against the act of taking someone’s life directly or indirectly with only a few exceptions, such as self-defence. This prohibition includes euthanasia, cases of death by neglect, and abortion. When the media and government began to pump […]


I had had enough

No. It’s not a mistaken repetition. You can actually say “I had had enough.” Let me tell you the story so you know what I’m talking about. I’m an antiestablishmentarian; I’m antipathetic to government because of what I know it to do: it robs and forces compliance with no basis to do so. So I […]