Social commentary

Why does it trouble me?

I find the topic of flat earth enthralling and engaging. At least by starting my post that way, it gets rid of the those who wouldn’t be interested in what I have to say anyway. Stops a lot of people wasting their time and I can get back to reflecting and analysing my experiences. So, […]

Social commentary

ADBC: 41 – The Forlorn, The Judgement and Racial Stupidity

My brother recently tackled some subjects I threw his way in our internet discussion. He handled them in a way that I enjoy and found engrossing. He discussed the moral issues of the TV show, “Doctor Who,” and the messages it attempts to impress upon its audience, the undertones that are extant, the elevation of […]

Politics Social commentary

ADBC: 11 – A month of racial discrimination

My brother and I are having a blog dialogue.You can see the premise here. In my brother’s most recent installment, he tackled my questions about the meaningfulness of male-female relations in terms of romance and marriage, his evaluation of the church’s performance during the COVID farce, and what slavery was. As per usual, he gave […]

Social commentary

ADBC: 09 – Taking the knee and meritocracy

Ah, it kinda rhymes, right? Cool. So this conversation with my brother started from this premise (yes, click the link to find out). In his previous response, he did a humble and laudable job of finding a way to answer what I see as challenging questions. He didn’t even flinch when it came to answering […]

Politics Social commentary

ADBC: 08 – Racism and Equality

Continuing the dialogue my brother and I are sharing. You can find the premise here. My brother, in his most recent response in our dialogue, gave his view on some aspects of the nature of God and some insights into the use of violence. I recommend you check out that response as it is great […]

Social commentary

When racism is ok

Shock horror, right? First let me define words. I’m not gonna be using the crap definition used by some to mix in class and power into the word to make it seem like only “whites” can be racist. I’ll just use the normal definitions. racismn. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character […]

Social commentary

Blinded by the lies

Media aiming to control public opinion: They said my daughter had made a Fathers’ Day card for me. That’s what her teachers said. I was not supposed to look at it until the coming Sunday, which, according to popular opinion, as been ascribed with the empty epithet, “Fathers’ Day.” (Another fiction?) The card said […]

Social commentary

The hypocrisy of racist words and equality

I’ll cut to the chase. Certain people demand equality. Certain people say it’s wrong to get different treatment just because of the colour of your skin. Equality is what matters to these people. They claim they just want things to be fair. They want “justice.” That’s what they say anyway. Actions speak louder, don’t they? […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Is it foolish to stand against racial abuse or hatred? Yes, you read right. My brother asked me an insightful question: “Does it make sense to stand against racial hatred?” It followed an incident where a UK footballer had received racist (race hating) comments from fans of an opposing team. The footballer wasn’t white which meant his “plight” was going to receive media attention […]