Social commentary

Because morality is dead

For a time I listened to a youtube channel called “Middle Nation.” A well-spoken man called Shadid Bolsen was making fantastic point about and against what is called “western culture.” He eviscerated feminist claim and did a good job of promoting a fictionalised Islam where Muslims would keep their religion faithfully. I say “fictionalised” because […]

God Noahide Commandments

Torah is not my world

Thinking about it, being a Gentile with no solid link to Israel, to rabbis, to the oral Torah tradition, not even to Gentiles with firmer links to such entities, the Torah is not my world. It’s not what surrounds me and it is not my heritage. Before I continue, let me define terms. By “Torah,” […]


If you need a law to be good, you must be wicked

I remember an argument along the following lines: “I don’t need a god to tell me what’s right and wrong.” “Just how immoral must you [the ethical theist] be? So if God didn’t command you, you would just go out doing all these bad things? Have you no self-control? You have to have a god […]


Watching the contradiction: They have nothing continued

I received a reply from a God-rejector about a previous article about the idiocy of atheism, a reply that demonstrated again why I can’t be an atheist. I didn’t continue a conversation with such a person since I’ve learnt that if someone is going to state inaccuracies about you as fact – namely, ignorant lies […]

General Social commentary

It got clever

In this day and age, you can see how people have made gods out of other people. Today people view the opinions of politicians, called laws,” as codes of morals and ethics. If someone is a “criminal” having allegedly gone against political edict, just that label makes him morally suspect. Some people will lash out […]

Noahide Commandments

Is it still my fault?

This was inspired by a subreddit post that can be found here. If you’re interested in more info about the divine laws for humanity, you can check out the Noachide Reddit group. The Divine Code says the following: Rambam writes in Laws of Kings 10:1 that a Gentile is liable for transgressing a Noahide […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Is it foolish to stand against racial abuse or hatred? Yes, you read right. My brother asked me an insightful question: “Does it make sense to stand against racial hatred?” It followed an incident where a UK footballer had received racist (race hating) comments from fans of an opposing team. The footballer wasn’t white which meant his “plight” was going to receive media attention […]


God-rejectors: They have nothing – Morality

One argument that has been used by those who reject God and the Torah is that he is evil. Some atheists are so adamant about this that they’ll boldly state that even if it would be convincingly demonstrated that God existed, they would still disrespect him and not worship him. And why? Some will attempt […]

Noahide Commandments Politics

The American Election – An International response

In the face of someone preaching the importance of upholding the constitution of their country and supporting a presidential candidate in an election, I wrote a response. But I did not want to repeat a mistake in making this all about one country and in doing so exclude the rest of the world. I think […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Better than the book – the worship of man

So one encounter that comes to mind is where a Jew who claimed to follow Torah, in effect, raised his faith in the legal paperwork of the country he lived in above the laws that God enjoined upon Gentiles. Despite being shown how, in substance, the glorified written legal text of his country contradicted the […]