Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Demystifying the language of the statist Noahide – short version

My brother said something I feel I must share which summarises the point of the previous article so well. Here it is with no amendment: As I read your article it draws out even more clearly that we have a choice about who Rules us and how we are ruled. The moment we say anything […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Demystifying the language of a statist Noahide

As I said in my last post, the vast majority of Noahides that I interact with and their rabbis are statist. That means the logical conclusion of their thinking and teaching must be that governments, especially modern ones, have legitimacy and ownership rights over the population. In simple terms, every pleb is owned by government […]

Politics Social commentary

Not paying taxes is stealing from the government??? Short version

This video says so much about this point. My brother reminded me of a post I wrote where rabbis effectually teach that people are owned by the government. Shortly after that, I came across this video that expresses my point so succinctly. So I thought I would summarise the point here. Too many so-called “noahides” […]

God-rejection Politics Social commentary

Everyone sacrifices to Molech

My brother asked me a question this morning. He asked me if there was any such thing as a fair tax. If there is anyone that has read my thought processes on this blog, they’ll already know my answer. But I’m not that confident in my ability to attract or keep readers. So I’ll just […]


There is no legitimate government

I watched a debate yesterday between some guy defending Muhammed’s marriage to Aisha at 6 years old and consummation at 9, and a christian who was adamant that the false prophet of Islam was a pedophile who preyed on children and was evil. My previous articles should relate my position on the issue. The Moe’s […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Every cop is a criminal

Every single law that violates the constitution is a love letter to Santa without men and women in badges willing to enforce them on innocent people. Every single cop does this knowingly and consciously all the time.  Every cop is a criminal, without exception.  Many of them are nice people, many of them are smart […]


Islam: Further thoughts – Speculations about the law of Justice

So I just wrote a post about how Islam is not compatible with the seven laws. The clear contradiction I brought up was the punishment for theft in Islam as opposed to the seven commandments for humanity in Jewish tradition. Just so that you know, the main punishment for theft in Islam is having your […]

Noahide Commandments Politics

The difference between the laws of man and the laws of God

Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony. The 7 Noahide Laws: Universal Morality – (first […]

Noahide Commandments

Not allowing yourself to be taxed is stealing from the government

Let me quote. One who evades taxes levied by the king is a thief, as he is stealing from the money of the government … all the land of the country is considered as if it belongs to the king and is subservient to him, so a tax evader is considered as having stolen an […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Why I’d never support a government

I accept the seven laws that were given to humanity by God. To some, this would mean the label “noahide” would apply to me. As I’ve said before, I reject the label due to the artificial and kinda fabricated distinction it creates between me and other Gentiles. If I’m a good guy because I have […]