God Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Bridges burnt

The last of the personal links I had to the noahides was apparently destroyed recently. It appears that the views I have of rabbi Weiner and my opposition to what the Divine Code does to the seven commandments, in that it adds to the commands and conflates what is commanded with what may or may […]

God Noahide Commandments

Islam & The Seven Laws

I recently got asked this question. So I’m making an article out of it. Here goes. Rabbi Tovia Singer claims that [the Muslim] religion is compatible with Noahide Laws. What is your opinion on this? A question on my blog Please provide evidence that rabbi Tovia Singer says that Islam is compatible with the “noahide […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Enemy in the Booth

Having gone through the UK political elections and witnessing the reaction to the upcoming US elections, a sobering realisation creeps over me regarding how so-called righteous Gentiles and so-called Torah observant Jews will behave. This will be a message directed more to the “independents” amongst the Gentiles who aim to keep the Seven Commandments or […]

Noahide Commandments

Who is a child of Noah?

I may have answered this before. I think it was a number of years ago. So, as a refresher, I’ll answer it again. Now the term that is normally thrown around by rabbis is the Hebrew one that sounds like “ben Noach” or “bnei Noach.” There are people who refer to themselves as “noahides” or […]

Noahide Commandments

Can a Gentile study Torah?

Someone asked me about the specifics of the principles about the warnings against studying “Torah” as is given by Jews from ancient time. Now, I already know that my opinion is worth almost nothing to most, and I may be over-optimistic in that view. But I do enjoy writing about this sort of stuff and, […]

Noahide Commandments

Custodians not owners

Again I ponder. I’m thinking about a previous article I wrote, stating that the Torah is not my world. Reflecting on the nature of the Torah, the law of Moses given by God to the Israelites at Sinai, I grounded myself in the position that the law of Moses was the possession of the Jews […]

God Noahide Commandments

Torah is not my world

Thinking about it, being a Gentile with no solid link to Israel, to rabbis, to the oral Torah tradition, not even to Gentiles with firmer links to such entities, the Torah is not my world. It’s not what surrounds me and it is not my heritage. Before I continue, let me define terms. By “Torah,” […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Why I don’t want to be a Jew

I remember the early days when I took more interest in the Seven Laws for non-Jewish humanity. One of the challenges I faced was a guy called Asher Meza. He claimed to be a Jew, a rabbi even, and taught that Gentiles should become Jewish, that the ideal of the Torah is to be Jewish. […]

Noahide Commandments

What are the seven laws?

So I’ve mentioned throughout my articles “the seven laws” or “the seven laws for humanity.” Just in case you don’t know, let me just give a refresher as to what they are and where they come from. The seven laws themselves are commandments and obligations given by God to humanity from the beginning. They are […]

General Noahide Commandments

Sleeping with the enemy? – Married to a christian pt2: Choices

My brother is a flawed character. Aren’t we all? But I look up to that man. I do not treasure the man simply because of blood or as if he is some perfect dude. He’s fallen to depths that I have not. But I think it is because of those depths that he has reached […]