Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Demystifying the language of the statist Noahide – short version

My brother said something I feel I must share which summarises the point of the previous article so well. Here it is with no amendment: As I read your article it draws out even more clearly that we have a choice about who Rules us and how we are ruled. The moment we say anything […]

God-rejection Politics Social commentary

Everyone sacrifices to Molech

My brother asked me a question this morning. He asked me if there was any such thing as a fair tax. If there is anyone that has read my thought processes on this blog, they’ll already know my answer. But I’m not that confident in my ability to attract or keep readers. So I’ll just […]

Noahide Commandments Science and Evolution Social commentary

Faith and fallacy

93 million miles from the earth to the sun. That’s what we’re told by those who “know.” How they “know,” the vast majority of the plebs know not. But it’s true, right? I watched a whole 9-hour video of some dude dissecting the rhetoric of a “science” teacher, numbering every single logical fallacy the teacher […]

God Noahide Commandments

Sweet nonsense

As someone who could call himself a musician (with others agreeing), as one who has written songs and who loves a reasonably wide range of music, I’m fairly acquainted with how the beauty of music can sugarcoat rank bullshit. Because of the moralist that runs around in my head, a seeming intrinsic part of me, […]

Noahide Commandments

The Project pt 13: The Divine Code – Confusion and Ambiguity

So, in case I’ve lost you, years ago I started going thru the book, The Divine Code, as myself, a member of humanity not from the tribe of Israel. I was using a certain lens, a most ancient lens upon which many books about the seven laws for humanity, including The Divine Code, are based. […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

Why it matters that COVID-19 doesn’t exist

So in the same way I can say that Jesus is not the messiah, I can say COVID-19 does not exist. But why even bring it up? Some say it does not matter whether it exists or not. Some say effort is better spent speaking against the modern face of tyranny, against the lockdowns, the […]

Noahide Commandments Science and Evolution Social commentary

The fictions have a greater hold

I was watching videos about some series called “The Mandela Catalogue.” The reviewers and commenters was saying that it was scary, one of the most unnerving/scary series around on Youtube. Intrigued and inquistive, I took a look at the first of the raw videos myself, often looking for some intensity of emotion in the stagnating […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

They won’t put down the idol

Del Bigtree from The Highwire programme and his position has been on my mind on and off since it became obvious that he was holding a false or unfounded paradigm in place, securing the roots, with the aim of dismantling branches. I, with more hesitation, went to watch another recent show of his program only […]

God-rejection Noahide Commandments

Born in eternity past – The eternal son

Just look at that title and ponder. That’s how someone recently described what “son of God” meant in reference to Jesus: an entity born in eternity past. Again, just consider that for yourself. And now, I’m gonna share my considerations about this description. “Born.” This word necessarily implies a beginning. I don’t think I need […]

Noahide Commandments

The Project pt 12: The Divine Code, The irrelevance of Molech and more

So, in case I’ve lost you, some time ago I started going thru the book, The Divine Code, as myself, a member of humanity not from the tribe of Israel. I was using a certain lens, a most ancient lens upon which many books about the seven laws for humanity, including The Divine Code, are […]