Politics Social commentary

Not paying taxes is stealing from the government??? Short version

This video says so much about this point. My brother reminded me of a post I wrote where rabbis effectually teach that people are owned by the government. Shortly after that, I came across this video that expresses my point so succinctly. So I thought I would summarise the point here. Too many so-called “noahides” […]

Politics Social commentary

The simple questions

As you can see, about 226 million PCR “tests” and lateral flow “tests” have been performed in the UK. Believe it or not, this article is not about the virus narrative. It’s about something else, but the tests done is just evidence to prove something. One question that escapes me when considering the entity call […]

Politics Social commentary

The Anti-Establishmentarian 

*Smile* I have to smile at that title. A different word had come to mind when I had started to ponder this post, but that one which I ended up with, I’m happy with, especially when I saw its definition.  Some years ago, my boss saw some of my ways, may have heard some of […]

Noahide Commandments

What’s missing from the discussion?

A friend and I were discussing some of the recent and ongoing issues amongst those non-Jews who have knowingly accepted the Seven Commandments. In that conversation, something I see as important was highlighted to me. We were discussing the nature of taxation and government in the modern day and comparing it to the picture we […]

General God-rejection Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Why I’m not an anarchist/voluntaryist

Well, I may have given across the impression that I am anti-government, period. The way I have written could cause someone to think that I’m not just against the modern governments, but against government in and of itself. There are groups of people that are against government in a similar way. Some are called voluntaryists […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

The law of the state is law? What?

OK, so having already concluded that the governments we live under normally work against the Seven Commandments, I come up against a strange teaching. It is the statement that seems to come from only one rabbi, yet it is repeated in the name of that rabbi when spoken of in the Talmud. What is this […]