Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Enemy in the Booth

Having gone through the UK political elections and witnessing the reaction to the upcoming US elections, a sobering realisation creeps over me regarding how so-called righteous Gentiles and so-called Torah observant Jews will behave. This will be a message directed more to the “independents” amongst the Gentiles who aim to keep the Seven Commandments or […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

ADBC: 05 – The Government of Britain

We continue this discourse, my brother and I, and in his last response he showed the sort of consistency that I respect. Now my brother is a christian, and I’m not saying that I respect his christianity, but I do respect consistency. When I see a person claiming to be a muslim but doesn’t give […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

Democracy: a form of God-rejection

So yes, I’m cutting to the chase. I think modern political democracy is a form of God-rejection, and that voting in such a system is also a form of God-rejection. My brother and I (sorry to drag you into this, b) were mulling over the moral quality of the political system under which we live. […]

Politics Social commentary

Democracy: the religion of politics

When I thought about this article, another title came to mind, but there is already a book out there with that title: Democracy: the god that failed. Can I be candid? I guess I’m gonna be. I’m sick to the back teeth of the ignorance of religionists, especially those in the modern age who think […]

Noahide Commandments Politics

Dinim 101 – The accomplice

It’s been going around, a simple statement that has been circulating in certain circles. As it includes a value I hold dearly, I want to share it too. I believe if a person votes for a political figure, that figure embracing policies that go against God’s commandments (for non-Jews, those would be the seven laws), […]

Noahide Commandments Social commentary

The Logic of a Voting “Noahide”

It’s gonna be easy for people to take personal offense at this post. But I’m gonna say it. I don’t write my posts to be liked, just to express my point of view. How must the gentiles fulfill the commandment to establish laws and courts? They are obligated to set up judges and magistrates in […]

Noahide Commandments Politics

Choosing the lesser of two evils

So some would say that supporting the current political system, whether it be democracy or a constitutional republic or a monarchy or whatever exists these days, they are simply doing their best in the current situation. They would claim that by vocally and actively supporting one political party or another, they are simply choosing the […]

Noahide Commandments Politics

Governments: “but they keep some of the commandments”

So there is some horror when some find out my feelings and conclusions about the illegitimacy of modern governments. Or at least it causes some discomfort or disturbance to those who read my complaints about this monstrous entity. One of the replies I get to my claim that supporting such an anti-Seven-Commandments entity – as […]

Noahide Commandments Politics Social commentary

At odds with so much: a response

I stated before that the Seven Commandments were at odds with the legal and political systems of today. A dissenting voice inside me said, “No, David. The commandments are not at odds with the legal or political system I live under. That legal and political system doesn’t command me to do the acts that the […]


Hypocrisy in action: Democracy

There are people do not want “religious evangelists” and preachers imposing their belief on them or others. Those same people will vote for a political party to become the government in order to impose on everyone else what they think best.It’s essentially this “I can’t control you but I’ll make sure someone I choose controls […]