Noahide Commandments

Another Jew seeing inadequacy

Some time ago I wrote an article about arguments used to discourage a non-Jew from staying a non-Jew ( . The people who used these arguments where attempting to persuade a Gentile to become a Jew due to the inadequacy they perceived in remaining a Gentile. Such arguments frequently focused on the nature of the […]

Noahide Commandments

Why I say that the Seven Laws are not a religion

Having discussed the issue over and over and over, I feel the need to make a statement so that I don’t have to keep reinventing the wheel every time I’m approached about my stance over this issue. So as you can see before, I’ve stated in no uncertain terms that the Seven Commandments are not […]

General God-rejection Noahide Commandments

Adding wood to the anti-Torah fires

So I found myself on an anti-Torah, anti-Semitic forum. While I was on that anti-Torah (and anti-Semitic) page, something was highlighted to me more than ever. I can now understand a possible reason why the Torah has no clear command for Jews to spread their worldview by “proselytizing” and why it has no command for […]

General God Noahide Commandments

Getting acquainted: Interview with a conscious Gentile

What follows are some questions that I asked a fellow Gentile who consciously follows the seven commandments to get a different perspective from a different part of the world. Enjoy. What is your name? Stiv Where are you from? France, also lived in Serbia (for 10 years) where my origins are. What does the word […]

God-rejection Noahide Commandments

Keeping God’s commandments – The question of intent

Having been in a number of discussions with certain individuals about the need for some belief to be behind the keeping of the Seven Commandments, I’ve had some thoughts about the issue. With the recent articles that touch on atheism, and my other thoughts about christianity, I want to clarify some of my positions and […]

Noahide Commandments

Loving God, Loving Torah – and I’m a Gentile!

Over the past weeks I’ve had my interactions with a few characters which varying beliefs, rabbis denigrating the origin, source, and nature of the Seven Commandments, Gentiles wanting to become Jews because they don’t want to suffer for one reason or another, rabbis denigrating the “noahide movement” as it now is. And now the Jewish […]

Noahide Commandments

Why a Noahide declaration is unnecessary

As usual, I have to get the disclaimers out of the way first. I know how prone my articles are to being misunderstood, so let me get this out of the way now. I am not condemning anyone, any Gentile, who chooses to go before three rabbis or Torah-observant Jews and give a public oath […]

General Noahide Commandments

It’s silly to be a “noahide” because …. – the weak excuses

I hear of people converting and becoming Jewish, something which can be a very positive thing. The Jewish Torah way of life has immense responsibility, trials and rewards. For a person who has that inner craving, that insatiable longing to be a Jew and to connect to God as a Jew, the path and destination […]

Noahide Commandments

Myth: The noahide laws are only for gentiles in Israel

So, being a gentile, a “Torah-conscious” gentile, I get challenges from people from all walks of life. When I say challenges, I don’t mean that they all outrightly come to my face and tell me in what way they conflict with and oppose my way of life. I mean their very beliefs and thoughts cause […]

God Noahide Commandments

Craving Religion – Missing out on Obedience

I was just passing by. The conversation was thick with opinion. And then I spotted a Gentile opinion that touched my heart and filled me with sadness at the possible monster we had created and its victims. A Gentile voice said that we non-Jews are not allowed to study Torah, pray Jewish prayers or celebrate […]