Noahide Commandments


I’ve been zealous for the integrity of the seven laws for some years now. I’m a stickler for some form of exactitude and champion the warning against adding to or taking from God’s commandments. Such an injunction made sense in the Jewish Torah, where God explicitly warns against adding and subtracting from the laws of […]

General Noahide Commandments Social commentary

The need for affirmation

In the current debate raging in a small little no-place online on social media between seven-laws-cognisant Gentiles and those who see themselves as some strange form of “immigrant” of Israel or “convert” to “Judaism” whilst remaining purely Gentile, there’s a question or claim that is repeatedly brought up by the odd “immigrants,” the so called […]

Noahide Commandments

There is no “noahide” in the Talmud

I hope you don’t mind me going through this sort of thing. I know some may be irritated by the so-called “ger” and the current erroneous teaching about it. But I enjoy talking about stuff to do with the seven laws, so … maybe you’ll bear with me. Sooner or later, I’ll get back to […]


Disagreeing with Jewish Law – The Antiestablishmentarian

Shall I quote my “favourite” saying again? Rabbi Chanina, the Deputy High Priest, says: Pray for the welfare of the government, for were it not for the fear of it, man would swallow his fellow alive. (Pirkei Avot 3:2, As those who read this blog would know, I wouldn’t spit on government if it […]


In Someone Else’s Garden So, you see, you may read my blog posts. You may see me quoting rabbis or their books. I try to find facts, as clear a statement as possible to get as defined a picture as possible to help me negotiate life in a correct manner, a moral manner. But I recently caught myself […]

Noahide Commandments Politics

Governments: “but they keep some of the commandments”

So there is some horror when some find out my feelings and conclusions about the illegitimacy of modern governments. Or at least it causes some discomfort or disturbance to those who read my complaints about this monstrous entity. One of the replies I get to my claim that supporting such an anti-Seven-Commandments entity – as […]

Noahide Commandments

Discussion on the Commandment of Justice

Looking around, I found some very useful information about the commandment of Dinim. I’m gonna share it here for easy access to anyone looking. The information comes from the site, from a section called “Insights to the Daf” which discusses passages in the Talmud. The full address of the page that I’m taking the […]

God Noahide Commandments

I’m not a ger

OK, so there’s been some teaching going about, made even more popular by a show on Israel National Radio, about “noahides” being equivalent to some entity known as a “ger”. This article is not about naming names. It ain’t about anything personal. It’s just about the issues as I see it and my stance. It’s […]

Noahide Commandments

Why a Noahide declaration is unnecessary

As usual, I have to get the disclaimers out of the way first. I know how prone my articles are to being misunderstood, so let me get this out of the way now. I am not condemning anyone, any Gentile, who chooses to go before three rabbis or Torah-observant Jews and give a public oath […]

Noahide Commandments

Myth: The noahide laws are only for gentiles in Israel

So, being a gentile, a “Torah-conscious” gentile, I get challenges from people from all walks of life. When I say challenges, I don’t mean that they all outrightly come to my face and tell me in what way they conflict with and oppose my way of life. I mean their very beliefs and thoughts cause […]