Politics Social commentary

Not paying taxes is stealing from the government??? Short version

This video says so much about this point.

Tax Reality –

My brother reminded me of a post I wrote where rabbis effectually teach that people are owned by the government. Shortly after that, I came across this video that expresses my point so succinctly. So I thought I would summarise the point here.

Too many so-called “noahides” and the rabbis who teach them preach that not allowing yourself to be taxed is stealing from the government. So they make it a moral obligation to fund government, an entity drenched in blood, immorality and injustice. They say it is a moral thing to fund immorality!

Attached to that idea is the fact that, if theft is taking what is not your property, then they believe that the tax money already belongs to government. But if the tax money comes from the fruits of a person’s labour, that means the government owns the labourer. In essence, the logical consequence of such belief is that the government owns everyone and everything in a territory. To own means to control and have mastery over something. The politicians tell us what to do under threat of ultimately death. And they own the land.

So as the video above shows, which succinctly depicts the teaching of noahides and rabbis, a person owns nothing buh is sold the illusion of ownership by the government who really pulls the strings.

There is no basis for the authority of government as they claim to get such authority from people. But people have no such authority to give since an individual does not have the ability to own another without violence or the threat of it, undermining the claim of authority.

It’s that simple. People who are supposed to be good advocate for the sustenance of evil.

I revere God and the seven laws he gave to mankind. But I oppose such an idea.

By hesedyahu

I'm a gentile living in UK, a person who has chosen to take upon himself the responsibility God has given to all gentiles. God is the greatest aspect of my life and He has blessed me with a family.

I used to be a christian, but I learnt the errors of my ways.

I love music. I love to play it on the instruments I can play, I love to close my eyes and feel the groove of it. I could call myself a singer and a songwriter ... And that would be accurate.

What else is there?

2 replies on “Not paying taxes is stealing from the government??? Short version”

As Italian Noahide, I disagree with your interpretation.

Limiting the discussion to democratic nations, I remind you that the obligation to pay taxes does NOT derive from the government, but from the laws approved by Parliament, whose members are directly elected by the people. Therefore, the government has nothing to do with this duty, which arises from an act, the legislative one, which is issued by the representatives of the people. Taxes are used to finance the functioning of the nation, not just the government (think of the judiciary, the police force, the construction of schools, hospitals, etc. etc.). To function, a civil society needs taxation. Even assuming that tax evasion does not constitute a violation of the Noahide prohibition against theft, as far as I am concerned it is a violation of the Noahide obligation to establish a jurisdictional and judicial system that ensures the balanced development of human society. Tax evasion is a crime in all democratic nations; incitement to commit a crime or condoning a crime are not compatible with the Noahide Law, except in the case in which the crime contemplated by the Penal Code of a democratic nation is clearly in conflict with the Noahide Law, a hypothesis which, in a jurisdictional system of a democratic nation, is almost impossible: there is no democratic nation whose law imposes conduct such as, for example,idolatry, blasphemy, or adultery

“as far as I’m concerned it is a violation to establish …” Where do you get that from? And since it’s just “as far as you’re concerned,” and you cited nothing, you’re just giving me logic with no basis in reality. So there’s no divinity to what you’re saying. And since you’re only using logic, rather than merely writing belief about what you think taxes do, shouldn’t you start with a factual foundation?
“the laws approved by parliament” – so you agree, opinions approved by a bunch of humans. So bereft of your faith, all you’re talking about is some opinion that a bunch of people accept. What authority is there in that? And there is no obligation, only a threat: give me your money or we’ll hurt you.
“the government has nothing to with this duty” – I have no idea how you’re defining the word “government.” Do you think “government” is just parliament?
“issued by the representatives of the people” – so you don’t know what the word “represent” means? And you don’t know what “the people” is? You think politicians “represent” whole populations, even those that didn’t “vote” for them? Wow, the faith is strong in you. And not in God. Or at least the real creator. I’m talking about the god called government.
Yes, if we’re going to discuss this, we’re gonna have to strip away your mystification of things and actually talk about brutal and dirty and grounded truth, rather than your colourful terms for bullies, liars and murderers.

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