God-rejection Uncategorized

The flavour of ice-cream

“good” without God is just a private opinion, as subjective as a favorite food.

Politics Uncategorized


Be careful with the government, for they befriend a person only for their own needs. They appear to be friends when it is beneficial to them, but they do not stand by a person at the time of his distress. (quoted from Avos [Ethics of the Fathers] 2:3, with my sister-in-law in mind)

God-rejection Social commentary Uncategorized

The real pain of rejecting God

You have to empathize (feel for and understand) for the person who rejects God and becomes atheist because of some severe pain of injustice they saw and experienced in their life, maybe even from religion. I’m not talking about the atheist that uses war and pain as an excuse, but rather one for whom the […]

Social commentary Uncategorized

Contradictory society

So we’re sold the “noble lie” that democracy is people power, giving power to the people by voting for one party or one MP. But what do those who vote really vote for? Because essentially the MPs in their local councils and the government are in power to make choices for us, choices that so […]

God-rejection Science and Evolution Social commentary Uncategorized

Suckered by “science”

If a scientist comes to you saying that he knows what happened any time in the past before written human records began based on his science, feel justified in calling him a arrogant liar and a deluded joker. A liar because he uses a human tool (science) based fundamentally on human experience to tell you […]

Politics Social commentary Uncategorized

Internalizing law

A country, a people, a person who doesn’t internalize its laws cannot really live by them. So don’t be surprised if there is so much crime or moral apathy around. But the best law to internalize is the highest law there is. If some think that the highest law is purely manmade or man-derived laws, […]

Politics Social commentary Uncategorized

Choosing your oppressors

Western democracy and culture a joke. It matters little whether the tuitions fees vote went one way or another; when it comes to voting for any party, it’s only a choice between choosing the evil of two (or three) lessers, choosing your own oppressors (reference to a poem rap recited by Dead Prez called 4 […]

General Uncategorized

Life worth living

Life is only really worth living when you find something greater than life to live for.

Politics Social commentary Uncategorized

The voice in not voting

My forefathers may have fought for the right for me to vote, but that don’t mean I have to vote when all partiesgo against my fundamental beliefs. The lesser of two evils is still evil. Some say “no vote; no voice”. But even silence says something.

General Uncategorized

Hello world

Ok, let me be blunt. I doubt anyone is gonna read this blog. Who nowadays looks for a blog called “hesedyahu” or Hesediah’s blog. Maybe I’ll advertise on my facebook page or it may give me a reason to Twitter … hhmmmm… yeah right? But I do wanna keep a little record of some of […]